A twisted bloom; our evening fleur with sleep upon her. Curling up her petals for the night, creating a most intricate silhouette. Hand-carved with a wildness about her, but so pretty and delicate. She brings a botanical life to a stack, but also works as a sleeping beauty all on her own.
Available in 14k yellow, rose and white gold
Sizing: due to the organic shaping of the petals, this ring may fit slightly large. We recommend sizing down 1/2 a size for a comfortable fit, and 3/4 size for a more snug fit.
Your piece will be made-to-order—please allow 4 to 6 weeks for us to create the piece before shipping to you. If you require a quarter size or a size not listed on our dropdown menu, please leave us a message with your size in the notes section at checkout and we will make your ring to that size.